The LOVE IS ALL AROUND project began in 2008 as a fundraiser to buy my plane ticket to Mexico City to participate in Performagia, an international festival of performance art associated with the Museo Universitario del Chopo, which took place May 18-25, 2008 in Mexico City.
The original online catalog (posted below) showcases the 51 drawings from my on going bottle series which is based on entrophic concepts of production, destruction, and redemption I experience as an artist. My relationship to materials and objects is a constant cycle, I make them, move them, show them, store them, recycle and destroy them, their value is always in flux... except for the moment they are sold. In that moment, when someone loves them enough to trade money for them, their value is fixed.
The initial black outline of the drawing inside each of the bottles is done in the time it takes for Joan Jett's cover of the Mary Tyler Moore Show theme song: LOVE IS ALL AROUND to play once through, which is about 58 seconds. This song, especially the Joan Jett version, has for a long time been a huge motivational force for me, representing: hard work + determination + confidence + punk rock style = success.
The drawings are done in series, usually in batches of about ten. Once they all have been outlined, I go back and add the color. Each drawing is aprox 14 x 18 inches done in wax pastel, china marker and ink on paper.
The drawings were originally $100 dollars, back in 2008. Enough of them sold so that I was able to attend the festival to complete the performative aspect of the project. I have continued to do them just when I feel like it, usually right after completing a larger project, as sort of a palate cleanser, always the same format and color, and always in batches, though I no longer post them all on the site. Each year the price goes up fifty dollars.
2008- $100
2009- $150
2010- $200
I'm hoping to someday, years from now, borrow back all of them from their homes in all corners of the world for a reunion exhibition called FIXED POSITION.
If you are interested in becoming involved in the ongoing LOVE IS ALL AROUND PROJECT by purchasing a bottle drawing, please contact me and I can send you some images of the ones currently available. Please feel free to pass the link to this site along to anyone you think might be interested. Thanks for looking.
Abby Manock received her MFA from Columbia University in 2007. Her drawings and sculpture have been included in select exhibitions in New York, London, Berlin, Los Angeles, Miami, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and most recently at MARTE Contemporáneo in San Salvador, El Salvador. Her large scale, interactive and game-like performative projects have been showcased by the Deitch Projects Art Parade in NYC in 2006, Performagia 2008 in Mexico City, the William Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, CT, as well as several major concert venues across the US. She has lectured at the Art Center of South Florida, Bowdoin College, and the University of Connecticut, and is an adjunct drawing professor at Columbia University. She lives and works in Brooklyn.